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 Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc.

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Age : 79
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2014
Messages : 13

Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc. Empty
MessageSujet: Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc.   Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc. Icon_minitimeSam 31 Oct 2015 - 21:52

Hi folks,

Have removed the black paint from the roof of the Roco be cl.20 (thanks to the old brake oil fluid method – bit by bit – very slowly ) but i managed to brake the long hand rails across the front of the body – still no real problem – they were replaced by using finer hand made stainless steel wire ones, but they do need to be painted!!! So could anybody please nudge me into the best buy in Roco SNCB blue? As all my photos & the web show these handrails painted Blue – some even yellow on top side !!

Class 20(& 21’s) re cab door strips – From my photos + web!
2127, 18, 48 ------------- No Yellow Door strips.
2001, 07,09, 12, 16,---- No Yellow Door strips.

Photos & Video from my collection on (B) E.2007 P. 28-10-09 still it had No door strips!!!  On to 2011 - (B) E.2007 - pk 14-3-11 – my photos 07 in a Fresh(ish) coat of paint – (X- works we often say in english) WOW ............. but with its Door Stripes.

Any further comment/history on the above would be very much appreciated

Thank you in advance.  

Please could anyone tell me if ‘Viessmann’ print a Signalback 5299 - In English??

Best Regards,

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oli 11/01
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7 oscars
oli 11/01

Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
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Localisation : Florennes

Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc.   Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc. Icon_minitimeSam 31 Oct 2015 - 22:05

Hi Kent

Only a German version has been printed pale pale
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Age : 79
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2014
Messages : 13

Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc.   Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc. Icon_minitimeDim 1 Nov 2015 - 11:42

Hi Oli,

Thanks very much for your reply, very much as i expected unfortunately.


ps a stripe is a strip and a strip is a stripe , I also note that the translator has broken up certain words and phrasings - a thing that most translators do.

Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc. Sany1116
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Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc.   Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc. Icon_minitime

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Viessmann - Signalback 5299 - In English?? + be cl 20 blue! etc.
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