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 (B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco + E2000

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Age : 79
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2014
Messages : 13

(B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco +  E2000 Empty
MessageSujet: (B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco + E2000   (B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco +  E2000 Icon_minitimeDim 27 Sep 2015 - 13:59

Hi Folks,

Looking/seeking Help/info on Eurofima coaches, particularly be.

General train makeup/formations, ( am sure that i observed in the 90s Euf. coaches from different Eu. countries in the Same train!).
ie – # 2nd cl.
# 1st cl.
# Part – 2nd, part -1st cl. (combo/combine)
# Restaurant/Buffet(&/or?) Who makes the best/better HO model !!!
# Baggage/fourgon* - Was this coach type – non standard in length? If so what length, & who in HO makes a model of it?? is bogie type, std. the Fiat Y 0270 s.? ( *or - combo/combine - part setting, part – bagged?).
! Any other types of Rolling stock?

Also i have a Roco 63670 SNCB/nmbs E2007 in blue (little darker then normal?) but with a Black Roof!! My own photo/video collections dating from Jan 94 (in the Lu.) till their withdrawal, seem to show slightly lighter blue & all Grey roof. So my question- is the roco liv. correct – if so what era &/or region?

Thank you in advance, Very Happy

Best Regards, cheers

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(B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco +  E2000 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco + E2000   (B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco +  E2000 Icon_minitimeDim 27 Sep 2015 - 20:12

Hi Ken,

here, in Belgium, the Eurofima coaches are called " I6 " , with two different classes : first class and second class. and, along their live, they have three different color : the first was called C1 ( in orange with small white band ), the second was called Memling ( made for the EC 34/35 " Memling " Oostende-Dortmund, in dark grey, red and blue  ) and the third is New Look ( in white, red and blue ). There were other Eurofima coaches with the Belgian, from France ( and Switzerland too ). The French coaches went to Paris with the Paris-Brussel-Amsterdam, and they were much Eurofima French coaches : 1st class, 2nd class, 1st and 2nd class, 2nd class with " Bar " and 2nd with luggage.

For namy examples of formations with Eurofima coaches, go here, and have a look for the train : 90/91/96/97

And for you Roco 63670, the blue engine have a grey roof, never a black. The black roof were with the green engine

Best Regards,

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0 oscar
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Age : 79
Date d'inscription : 03/02/2014
Messages : 13

(B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco +  E2000 Empty
MessageSujet: Sujet: Re: (B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco + E2000 Aujourd'hui à 6:12   (B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco +  E2000 Icon_minitimeDim 27 Sep 2015 - 23:20

Hi Gilles,

Wow, Many many thanks for your reply, i am truly grateful to you & whoever compiled All that Info., what a Treasure. It will keep me occupied for quite a whileOpen-mouthed smile.

Looks like its a re-paint the roof grey for the 2000Sad smile.

Best Regards,*yes

Ken.Thumbs up
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(B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco +  E2000 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco + E2000   (B)/be - Eurofima coaches roco +  E2000 Icon_minitime

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